


Does anybody use memcached to store session handling?

Added by José Cano about 14 years ago

I would like to get opinions about.

Many thanks in advance.

Replies (5)

RE: Does anybody use memcached to store session handling? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

I use it, what sort of opinion are you looking for?

RE: Does anybody use memcached to store session handling? - Added by José Cano about 14 years ago

Just to know whether there could any problem on that. We think to deploy a redmine instance that can scale well on users demand.

Initially, we have thought to only configure the session handling in memcached and a (mongrel cluster + apache) in order redmine can scale well. Afterwards, we could see a http accelerator (ej: Varnish) if time response is not enough.

May we have forget anything? Any opininions would be really appreaciated.


RE: Does anybody use memcached to store session handling? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

What problem are you trying to solve by switching to memcached for your session store? The cookie session store is the one that will scale best because it involves no action whatsoever on the server side. I think you are trying to solve a problem you don't have and that if you hit problems with the cookie store, you will have other places already burning on your installation.

Anyway, just switched it over for other reasons, no problems for now, but you understandably lose sessions on memcached restart.

RE: Does anybody use memcached to store session handling? - Added by José Cano about 14 years ago

I did not think about cookie store because of security and size limitation. Perhaps, both cases are not so important on this case.

As i mentioned before, we tried to configure a redmine instance that can scale well on user demand, customizing the deployment to be able to set up more hw to support the demand.

For example:
- Concurrent users: 100-XXX
- Number of Projects: [1000-XXXX]

I agree with your comment:

I think you are trying to solve a problem you don't have and that if you hit problems with the cookie store, you will have other places already burning on your installation.

RE: Does anybody use memcached to store session handling? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

José Cano wrote:

I did not think about cookie store because of security and size limitation. Perhaps, both cases are not so important on this case.

Security: they are encrypted and signed (SHA512 IIRC), so no problem there, size is redmine's problem, and it's not one as of now.
