


Sharing/integrating projects between installations / companies

Added by Mikael Palmstedt over 14 years ago


Assume company A and B has a separate Redmine installation in which they work daily on their respective workplaces. All of a sudden they decide to do a project together, is there currently a way to "share/integrate" the project seamlessly into their respective installation?

If not are there any plans for the above?

Gr8 software, thx.

Replies (5)

RE: Sharing/integrating projects between installations / companies - Added by Joe Kandaba over 14 years ago

I don't think it's possible, but i would SO want this!!

RE: Sharing/integrating projects between installations / companies - Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago

What would happen if both installations would access the same database which is mirrowed (ACID) on db level? I don't eben know if mysql has such feature.

RE: Sharing/integrating projects between installations / companies - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

MySQL has a mechanism for that. Mirroring will require mirroring the whole DB though, not just one project, thus won't be able to connect 2 redmines.

RE: Sharing/integrating projects between installations / companies - Added by Lopez Miner over 14 years ago

Vote for this one too!

Wouldn't this be possible by using the REST API?
Each time an Issue is updated/created on each side of a shared environment, it could generate an update on the other side.
Of course this has repercussions on users/rights etc (all users participating to the projects would have to be mapped/mirrored on the two systems). But it would bring the whole thing really to the next level.

RE: Sharing/integrating projects between installations / companies - Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago

Lopez Miner wrote:

Vote for this one too!

Wouldn't this be possible by using the REST API?
Each time an Issue is updated/created on each side of a shared environment, it could generate an update on the other side.
Of course this has repercussions on users/rights etc (all users participating to the projects would have to be mapped/mirrored on the two systems). But it would bring the whole thing really to the next level.

In best case "Not" if you use external authentification via ldap.
If you would snyc via rest api, you need a complete rest api, what is not the case at the moment. Furthermore somewhre must be confiurable what actions shall lead to rest sync calls in which other system.
