


Print a list of file names of associated revisions of an issue

Added by Bryan Evil almost 14 years ago

Hi all

Is it possible to make a list of file names of associated revision of an issue?

And could we make a customize report out of it?

This Redmine tool is so great, I love it, I use it at both work and home. Thank you. ^^


Replies (4)

RE: Print a list of file names of associated revisions of an issue - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Yes, and probably, though you'd need to make a plugin for the custom report.

RE: Print a list of file names of associated revisions of an issue - Added by Bryan Evil almost 14 years ago

Did you mean yes to make a list of file names of associated revision of an issue? COuld you tell me how?

Just to clarify myself, I am not talking about the "changed files tree list" from the repository section. what i meant was, for example, to see a list of an issue's related files in, e.g. a table, and even better could print it out like a report, or file.

Sorry for the confusion.


RE: Print a list of file names of associated revisions of an issue - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Yes, it is possible to programmatically get the list of file names from the "changed files tree list" (I can't imagine what else you mean by "a list of file names of associated revision of an issue"), and no, it's currently not possible to get them elsewhere than on the command line, so you would need to make yourself a plugin to show that information where you need it.

RE: Print a list of file names of associated revisions of an issue - Added by Bryan Evil almost 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Yes, it is possible to programmatically get the list of file names from the "changed files tree list" (I can't imagine what else you mean by "a list of file names of associated revision of an issue"), and no, it's currently not possible to get them elsewhere than on the command line, so you would need to make yourself a plugin to show that information where you need it.

Understood. So only ways are create a plugin or command line.

Thanks for you reply.

