


Looking for user frontend

Added by Wade Holt almost 14 years ago

I have recently successfully setup Redmine with CollabNet Subversion Edge, and all looks great. I plan on using this setup with a particular group of people (our team) for our internal project management, code sharing, code distribution, etc.

What I am looking for now is a front end (Open Source) that does the following:
For authenticated users:
Submit a project request,
Attach supporting docs/files
Get feedback from our team (ie: can your clarify xyz, we need xyz, etc)
Users (creator and moderators) can add notes to request
Moderators can add/remove fields to project request form.
See the status of a project (ideally this would link to Redmine - but not required)
View/Search existing project requests
View/Search for supporting files/binaries attached to completed projects.
Create Issues/modification requests on existing-completed projects (ideally, tied to the redmine project)

For anonymous users:
View public available completed projects and download their associated files.

Am I nuts for wanting a different front-end? I am not sure I want everyone that is not on the team to have access to the Redmine projects. Can users/groups/roles/custom fields handle all of this? Maybe tie in the addon where projects have to be approved.

Is there a way to browse all the project files linked to the Redmine site???

I appreciate all comments, even those that think I am nuts. Just want to make sure before I pitch this being used by several hundred people (versus 6 or 7 on our team) that all my ducks are in a row. (ps. before this, we used a SharePoint portal...cough, which was hugely inadequate for projects, but good for project requests and libraries of files)

Replies (1)

RE: Looking for user frontend - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

I think no one here will call you nuts, but you have to outweigh the cost and benefits of getting a new interface somehow plastered over the current one or plugged in the (currently only supporting issues and projects) REST API.

My advice would be to first try to see if you can't implement your requirements in redmine with all the permissions and whatnot stuff, and consider if what is still lacking from your list is enough to make a new frontend for. If not, you might also succeed in making plugins for some of the features, or might hire someone to implement those for you.
