


Extend the watcher functionality to send email notifications for issues

Added by Maxime Corbeau over 13 years ago

Hi there,

We would like to extend the functionality of the 'Watch' & 'Unwatch' buttons so that:
-when someone clicks on the 'Watch' button for an issue the assignee of that issue receives an email notification
-when someone clicks on 'Unwatch' the button switches back to 'Watch' as normal

The reason we want this is to use Redmine in an IT helpdesk environment, allowing users to search and subscribe to issues themselves so that IT can be notified automatically.

We tried to create a new mail function in app/models/mailer.rb to send an email to the issue assignee

  # send email to issue assignee when someone watches the issue
  def issue_newwatcher(issue)
    if issue.assigned_to
    redmine_headers 'Project' => issue.project.identifier,
                           'Issue-Id' =>,
    message_id issue
    recipients issue.assigned_to.mail
    subject "[#{} - #{} ##{}] Someone is experiencing this issue" 
        body :issue => issue,
             :issue_url => url_for(:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue)
        render_multipart('issue_newwatcher', body)

-Then we linked the mail function to the watcher controller in app/controllers/watchers_controller.rb

  def watch
    if @watched.respond_to?(:visible?) && !@watched.visible?(User.current)
      set_watcher(User.current, true)

-However the watcher button is complete broken now (it doesn't switch between 'watch' or 'unwatch' and doesn't send an email either) so we know we're modifying the right files but just don't know how to integrate it properly.

Any assistance would be welcome.

Replies (2)

RE: Extend the watcher functionality to send email notifications for issues - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

You will probably need to define a views for the email in app/views/mailer/issue_newwatcher.text.html.erb and app/views/mailer/issue_newwatcher.text.plain.erb.

RE: Extend the watcher functionality to send email notifications for issues - Added by Rob van den Bogaard over 12 years ago

It trips over the issue variable (used as parameter to deliver_issue_newwatcher) not being set.
