


National characters in the wiki

Added by J. R. over 13 years ago

I'm using Redmine 1.0.5, and noticed that when you save a wiki page with certain national characters, those get permanently replaced with question marks. That doesn't happen with all the characters, for instance Swedish characters (å, ö, ä) and some Latvian characters (š, ž) seem to work fine, whereas other Latvian characters (ā, ē, ī, ū) and Russian characters (ф, ы, в, а) don't work.

Also it is worth noting that preview seems to work fine, so the replacement only occurs on save.

Anyone knows how to handle this?

Replies (9)

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

It could be due to your backend db encoding ?

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by J. R. over 13 years ago

Probably not; well, at least I used this script to convert the database to UTF8 - - but it did not really help, nothing changed...

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by J. R. over 13 years ago

And, also, these same characters all show up nicely on Forums, for instance. But not on Wiki.

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Converting to UTF-8 will not change the already stored data back to what you expect, but does newly created documents render well now ?

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by J. R. over 13 years ago

Nope, still the same behavior. I of course do understand that the stuff that is already in the DB will not magically be fixed, so I was only testing on new wiki page creation case.

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Ok, sorry for dumb questions. One more : did you restart your Redmine instance ? :p

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by J. R. over 13 years ago

No worries :) Actually yes, I did restart it multiple times already. Even the whole box, just to make sure ;)

Interestingly, on another installation of Redmine there's no such problem. This another installation is TurnKeyLinux Redmine appliance, a VM that I have recently downloaded and started using for another project ( As the Information section says, version is: Redmine 1.0.5.stable (MySQL)

And the "failing" installation is also from TurnKeyLinux, but a bit earlier version of their VM (i.e., 2010), and the version string for it is this: Redmine 1.0.5.stable.4574 (MySQL)

So the difference might only be in the build number, not even the minor version.

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

So that could be an issue in VM appliance, what do TKL say ?

RE: National characters in the wiki - Added by J. R. over 13 years ago

Didn't ask them yet, but I anticipate that the response will be "use the latest version of the appliance"...
