


Find and replace in issue text?

Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago

I'm wondering if there's either a built-in or add-on way to find and replace text in all issue text - including any replies to issues?

I need to update a link that's commonly referenced in tickets to its new URL (and redirection doesn't cover it).

Thanks in advance.

Replies (4)

RE: Find and replace in issue text? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

This is currently not available build-in (shouldn't be also IMHO). AFAIK there also isn't any plugin available which does this.

RE: Find and replace in issue text? - Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago

Thanks. I might do a global SQL update instead.

RE: Find and replace in issue text? - Added by Leonard Graham Wimer over 12 years ago

This cannot be done and implemented. Plugins and built in application that will replace text is not availabl on public. However as you mention you can develop it yourself and use it in your browser instead.


RE: Find and replace in issue text? - Added by Amelia Lake over 12 years ago

Elroy Jetson wrote:

Thanks. I might do a global SQL update instead.

SQL saves the day again.....<spam link removed by Mischa The Evil>
