


How to work with "group"

Added by Lidia Snegirkova over 12 years ago

Hi all,

I need explanation in working with group policy
1. How can I assign the task to group (not to person)
2. If I assign task to group who will (from group) recive notification about changes within task (all people in group or group lead or it depends on personal settings). And how can I manage appearing notification related with diferent events in this case
IF its unavailiable in current version will you plan some change on this in future realeses

Replies (1)

RE: How to work with "group" - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

Lidia Snegirkova wrote:

1. How can I assign the task to group (not to person)

This is possible starting from (released) Redmine 1.3.0. See #2964.

2. If I assign task to group who will (from group) recive notification about changes within task (all people in group or group lead or it depends on personal settings).

As it is currently I think all group-members will receive email notifications based upon their own notification settings. I suggest to try it out yourself.
