


How to migrate data from Redmine 0.9.x to Redmine 1.3

Added by K Y over 12 years ago

I've searched the web and found some info on using DB export/import and migration scripts. But each time I've tried to execute the steps, things went sideways pretty fast. I'm a moderately skilled Linux user and I have successfully (albeit painfully) migrated Bugzilla databases in the past. So my topic here is two-fold:

  • Does anyone know of a straightforward set of steps that are known to work to migrate from 0.9 to 1.3? (I am using a MySQL deployment)
  • It would be really awesome if there was an admin-level function/plugin that could "export" everything from a version and then "import" it back into a newer version, independently of my needing to fiddle with DB-specific tools and gory command-line and Ruby voodoo. Does such a capability exist?

Replies (1)

RE: How to migrate data from Redmine 0.9.x to Redmine 1.3 - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago


There is no such thing as an administrative upgrade procedure. The upgrade process should be made manually. This is an example order:

  1. Backup.
    1. Stop any cron tasks that work with Redmine (fetch changesets etc...)
    2. Stop Redmine
    3. Make an archive of the whole Redmine site (tar, zip etc)
    4. Make SQL dump of the database.
  2. Rails
    1. Install Ruby on rails 2.3.14
  3. Deployment
    1. Uncompress the new archive in a new folder, say redmine.m.n.p
    2. Copy your database settings file config/database.yml into the new config folder:
      redmine/config/database.yml ---> redmine-m.n.p/config/database.yml
    3. Copy configuration.yml.example to configuration.yml
    4. Copy the email configuration from the old email.yml to the new configuration.yml
    5. Copy the redmine/files folder content into your new installation:
      redmine/files --> redmine-m.n.p/files
    6. Check if your installed plugins are compatible with 1.3.0 and upgrade them if needed
    7. Rename current Redmine directory to its original name, i.e.
      redmine --> redmine-0.9.0
    8. Rename new redmine folder to redmine, i.e.
      redmine-m.n.p --> redmine
    9. Run the following command from your Redmine root folder
      rake generate_session_store
    10. Check for any themes that you may have installed in the "public/themes" folder.
    11. Update core tables. Go to redmine directory and execute
      rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
    12. Update plugin tables. Go to redmine directory and execute
      rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
  4. Cleanup
    1. You should clear the cache and the existing sessions:
      rake tmp:cache:clear
      rake tmp:sessions:clear
    2. Restart the application server.
    3. Enable the cron tasks related to Redmine.
  5. Enjoy!

This list may differ depending on what works between Redmine and the browser.
