


Redmine demo

Added by Myriam Bastin over 16 years ago


I'd like to test Redmine but I don't see access to Redmine demo anymore.
Thanks for your help

Replies (9)

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago


There's no demo anymore, sorry. Mayber someone could let you an access to one of its instance? Some candidates?

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Go MAEDA over 16 years ago

Here is unofficial demo site. Please try it.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Myriam Bastin over 16 years ago

Thanks a lot.

I’m a librarian, not a computer scientist, in search of a free project management’s tool easy to use.
I don’t understand very well the way how Redmine works.
I mean : could we manage our project online or do we have to install a specific software ?

I’ve take a look at the french documentation and I don’t find the way to start (for example, how to create a new project online ?)

Thanks for your help.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

Redmine is a server side application. That means that you need a server where to install the application, then you can use the application everywhere you can access the server through a web broswer. But I guess that your need is not so extensive, so you could find someone that offer you a place on its server to create you a project.

Could you define your needs (what kind of project have you to manage, how many users will work on it, from where, etc.? Maybe Redmine is a little bit oversized for your project. We could eventually redirect you to a more well fit solution.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Myriam Bastin over 16 years ago

Thanks Thomas for this explanation.

I'm in search of a free and easy to use solution to manage an university project (institutional repository). We're a team of two librarians, two computer's scientists and three scientists. I need to find an easy way to follow technical and organizational developments, to communicate with other members of the team, a calendar, ...
A colleague told me about Redmine and that's the reason why I've contacted this forum.
Thanks for your help.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Go MAEDA over 16 years ago

Thomas Lecavelier wrote:

There's no demo anymore, sorry. Mayber someone could let you an access to one of its instance? Some candidates?

Please let us know why the official demo site have been closed.
I or someone may be able to help to open demo again.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

Only Jean-Philippe knows why.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Ве Fio about 16 years ago

It's a very good question. I hope he will answer.

RE: Redmine demo - Added by Go MAEDA 6 days ago

I personally launched a demo site yesterday. You can freely create projects and issues after registering an account. Please feel free to use it.

Please note that this demo site is unofficial and is not operated by
