


How to configure root URL for redmine running on https

Added by Tuan Linh Chu almost 12 years ago

I want to config to access Redmine instead of If any one have solutions for this, plz tell me.
Thank you very much !

Replies (3)

RE: How to configure root URL for redmine running on https - Added by X Poison almost 12 years ago

Suppose you're on Linux, just make your symbolic link to /var/www/ and not to /var/www/redmine.

RE: How to configure root URL for redmine running on https - Added by Cheyenne Wills almost 12 years ago

You can setup a redirect within your apache config

RedirectMatch ^/$ https://my.ip/redmine
Alias /redmine /var/lib/redmine/public # -- or whereever Redmine was installed
<Directory /var/lib/redmine/public>

You will also need to adjust Redmine's settings (in the administration Settings panel)
