


Requirements Management and Redmine

Added by Nico de Haen over 12 years ago

I'm looking for a way to provide these functionalities with redmine:
1. Customer adds requirements in the WIKI in a form like:



User Stories (as Issue, showing the status and some additional information)

So each component may consist of mutiple themes/epics and each epic contains multiple user stories. This should have a good usable interface (since my customer does not want to learn wiki formatting etc.) It should also allow to get a good overview, since it might be hard to check, if all requirements of a component or theme are listed.

2. Each Issue should be a usual redmine issue and (if possible) connected to one ore more tests

3. Ideally the customer could see which issues are completed, have associated tests and if the tests are "green".

Thus we would have all in one place and no redundant descriptions of functionality. The customer can change requirements by adding, removing or changing User Story issues and the developer will be notified with the in-built notification system.

Since I have not much experience yet with redmine I don't know what of these requirements are achievable without writing own plugins.

  • Is is possible to add a "User Story issue" directly from the Wiki?
  • Is it possible to "group" User Stories? This post seems to say it's not
  • Is it possible to show more than just the issue number in the Wiki?

I guess this is a typical scenario in agile software development, so I'm also open for suggestions how to solve this...


Replies (5)

RE: Requirements Management and Redmine - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Hi Nico,

did you manage to get some information? I'd be interested if using redmine can be used as a requirements engineering / business analyst tool ....

RE: Requirements Management and Redmine - Added by Terence Mill about 12 years ago

Me too. For us it is intersing being able to print out the requiremnts (issues) in a document form. At the moment it is not usabel such way.

RE: Requirements Management and Redmine - Added by Nico de Haen about 12 years ago

Ok, I'm sorry* to say that I decided to use another (not open source) system based on Java which had exactly the mentioned features.

*since I'm a OpenSource fan ;-)

RE: Requirements Management and Redmine - Added by Terence Mill about 12 years ago

Which one, how does it work together with coding tasks, bug trackers - redmine?

RE: Requirements Management and Redmine - Added by Nico de Haen about 12 years ago

I use JIRA and Confluence now. I really would like to see some of the features in redmine. You can "embed" issues in the Wiki and there is automatically a link to the related wiki page in the description of the issue.

So the customers view is the wiki and he can describe the requirements there in textual form and see the status of the related issues, the developers view is the bugtracker but he has immediate access to related requirements.

JIRA/Confluence is pretty cheap for less than 10 users, but for more it's expensive...
