


Issue status per project and sub-project

Added by John Digital over 12 years ago


In one of our configurations, we have one project A with an associated tracker T1 and another project B, a subproject of A with another tracker T2. Is there possible to have distinct status values (per tracker for instance) for project A and project B? It seems that in the subproject B, it inherits also the tracker statuses from parent project A.

Replies (6)

RE: Issue status per project and sub-project - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago

AFAIK, the statuses, trackers and roles are global, application wide objects. You define as many of them as you need. Then you define workflows (allowed transitions between statuses assigned to Role/tracker pairs). After that you choose which trackers to associate with particular projects.

RE: Issue status per project and sub-project - Added by John Digital over 12 years ago

That was my understanding also. But it seems I misconfigured the wotkflows, as I would like to have only some statuses visibles on some trackers. Thanks anymwy.

RE: Issue status per project and sub-project - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago

There is a checkbox to tell Redmine to show used statuses only.

RE: Issue status per project and sub-project - Added by John Digital over 12 years ago

Yes I know, the only thing is that I can't remove some statuses that I don't want to use. Thank you for your answer.

RE: Issue status per project and sub-project - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Do I understand correctly:
A user with role A can see statuses in the dropdown box in a tracker item, but you configured the workflow for role A and the tracker so this particular role can never use said statuses?

In 1.4.3 this is not the case, what version do you use?

RE: Issue status per project and sub-project - Added by John Digital about 12 years ago

Something like that but I could make an error on roles and trackers (I am using 2.1.0). I will check again the involved roles and see what am I doing wrong.
Thank you all.
