


Logfile repeats " is nil. Using in-memory store"

Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

On a fresh install of RM 2.2.1 (ruby 1.9.3, rails 3.2.11) I realized that
Connecting to database specified by database.yml is nil. Using in-memory store.

is "spamming" my production.log...

We don't use OpenId - how can I get rid of this message?

Replies (4)

RE: Logfile repeats " is nil. Using in-memory store" - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 11 years ago

This message should only appear at boot. Maybe we should degrade the level from warning to debug, but I don't think it's a big problem, is it ?

RE: Logfile repeats " is nil. Using in-memory store" - Added by Craig Kollegger over 11 years ago

It's not a real problem at all actually but I was working with the log files to debug a email cron setup and I kept seeing this message come up when "Connecting to database specified by database.yml" happened. Did a little searching to see if it was something I should remedy or turn off and really only found this discussion.
