


Many-to-many project-subproject relationships

Added by Jared Freeman over 11 years ago

I want to define many-to-many relationships between projects and subprojects.

Redmine allows me to define a project to multiple subprojects.

Does Redmine enable me to relate one subproject to multiple projects?

Our use case is this: We run a matrixed organization in which projects are crossed with subprojects. That is, tasks in a given subproject benefit multiple parent projects (not just one). We want to configure Redmine to represent these many-to-many relationships directly or by any reasonable kludge.

The closest discussion I can find to this is the following, and it concludes that there is no such capability in redmine.

Is there a solution?



Replies (1)

RE: Many-to-many project-subproject relationships - Added by Ivan Cenov over 11 years ago

You may try with custom fields of type 'project'. Redmine does not have 'project' custom fields but you may add such fields by plugin redmine_extended_fields. Final solution would be some plugin written for this special case.
