


convert redmine system from windows to linux

Added by Ahmed Khairy over 11 years ago


i installed redmine V2.0.3.stable on widnows 2008 R2 it's working good but when i try to install plugins or any update most of them didn't work related to system support for example redmine_backlogs plugin it just support linux os that i found on this plugin forum. so i just ask if i need to transfer my redmine from windows to linux (centos) what's the the steps for that.


Replies (6)

RE: convert redmine system from windows to linux - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

  • Backup DB
  • Install same version of redmine on Linux
  • Restore DB

Do you need more in-depth info?

RE: convert redmine system from windows to linux - Added by Ahmed Khairy over 11 years ago

thanks a lot jan for your replay, i just want to let you know that i'm new in redmine :) so would you give me more details for that, also if i install the last version of redmine doesn't work????

thanks again for your help

RE: convert redmine system from windows to linux - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

also if i install the last version of redmine doesn't work????

Let's only treat one question per thread :-)

Moving your redmine instance has, technically, not much to do with redmine itself.
First thing to do is get redmine on your Linux system, there are many guides here on how to do that.

You then backup your database. The procedure depends on what database management system you use (MySQL, postgres, MSSQL, sqlite), google that one.

Then you move the created backup file to your Linux box and import it into the database.
Restart your new redmine instance and tell us if it's running OK.

RE: convert redmine system from windows to linux - Added by Marco Gutsche over 11 years ago

You should copy the content of REDMINE/files, too. Otherwise uploaded files won't be available in the new redmine instance.

RE: convert redmine system from windows to linux - Added by Ahmed Khairy over 11 years ago

do you mean that i need to copy the content of redmine folder from windows to redmine on linux Macro??

RE: convert redmine system from windows to linux - Added by Marco Gutsche over 11 years ago

Ahmed Khairy wrote:

do you mean that i need to copy the content of redmine folder from windows to redmine on linux Macro??

Not the whole redmine folder, only the content of the subfolder named files.
