


Do not display thumbnails

Added by Anton Soya over 11 years ago

debian squeezy
redmine 2.2.4
ruby 1.8
rubygems 1.8

Do not display thumbnails:

Replies (12)

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Filou Centrinov over 11 years ago

You have to install rmagick:

gem rmagick

When you have trouble with that check this forum.

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Etienne Massip over 11 years ago

Not sure you need rmagick but you need to have ImageMagick installed and its convert executable in PATH of the account running the redmine instance.

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Anton Soya over 11 years ago

ImageMagick already installed, gem rmagick install, but it did not affect. Explain what actions I have to spend, this is my first experience working with Redmine. Thank you.

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Etienne Massip over 11 years ago

Anton Soya wrote:

ImageMagick already installed, gem rmagick install, but it did not affect. Explain what actions I have to spend, this is my first experience working with Redmine. Thank you.

Try running convert -version.

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Etienne Massip over 11 years ago

Please don't mix everything.

Thumbnails generation don't use RMagick, see #12529.

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Anton Soya over 11 years ago

RMagick available - ok
But not affect!

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Etienne Massip over 11 years ago

Do you people read my comments?

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Anton Soya over 11 years ago

Sorry, did not see

convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.0-4 2012-05-03 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

P.S. bug in this site, i do not write quote, "Internal error"

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Etienne Massip over 11 years ago

Any error in production.log?

Are you sure the user running the Redmine server:
  • has write permission to tmp and its subdirs?
  • can run convert command?

You can try to set the full path to the convert executable in config/configuration.yml (see source:tags/2.3.0/config/configuration.yml.example#L171).

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by Anton Soya over 11 years ago

I win! :)
Problem was in permission /tmp/thumbnails

RE: Do not display thumbnails - Added by sabasa almost 3 years ago

In my case i noticed that production.log reports the following error:

Imagemagick's convert binary (convert) not available
  Couldn't find template for digesting: people/avatar

So i checked and found that 'convert' command works in the redmine htdocs path and even the path to 'convert' binary file is saved in the configuration.yml under the "imagemagick_convert_command:" key but the error is persistent!

In "/apps/redmine/htdocs/config/configuration.yml" i changed the key/value "imagemagick_convert_command:" position to "production:" section with the correct path to 'convert' binary and restarted apache server, the problem was solved and thumbnails now are showing.
