


highlight sub issue priorities with a custom css

Added by Marco Gutsche about 11 years ago

I'm using css to highlight the priority status of an issue.
This works fine for the issue overview. On this view the issues are marked with class=".. priority-high3 ..".

But using this css fails to highlight the sub issues at the issue view because the priority is only available for the link itself: <a href="..." class="priority-high3=>Task: #123</a>.

It is possible to add the priority class marker at corresponding <tr>?

For example:


<tr class="issue hascontextmenu" id="relation-2606">


<tr class="issue hascontextmenu priority-high3" id="relation-2606">

Replies (3)

RE: highlight sub issue priorities with a custom css - Added by Filou Centrinov about 11 years ago

Which Redmine version you are using? I don't see any problem in Redmine 2.3.1. In the issue view (and also issues overview) you can set the style depending on the priority for issues and sub issues. In the issue view you have the priority class in <a>-tag but also in parent <div>-tag. More over you have no <tr>-Tag in the issue view, do you mean the issues overview?

RE: highlight sub issue priorities with a custom css - Added by Marco Gutsche about 11 years ago

I'm using redmine 2.2.2

Which parent div do you think about?
Maybe this has been introduced with redmine a later version.

This is the HTML of the sub issue list inside the issue view:
  • In the middle theres the mentioned a-tag with the priority of the sub issue
<div id="relations">
<div class="contextual">
  <a href="#" onclick="$('#new-relation-form').toggle(); $('#relation_issue_to_id').focus(); return false;">Hinzufügen</a>

<p><strong>Zugehörige Tickets</strong></p>

<table class="list issues">
<tbody><tr class="issue hascontextmenu" id="relation-123">
<td class="checkbox"><input name="ids[]" value="123" type="checkbox"></td>
<td class="subject">Beziehung mit 
    projektct - 
    <a href="/issues/123" class="issue status-9 priority-6 priority-high2">Task #321</a>: xxxx
<td class="status">Pending</td>
<td class="start_date">14.02.2013</td>
<td class="due_date"></td>
<td class="buttons"><a href="/relations/234" data-confirm="Sind Sie sicher?" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" title="Beziehung löschen"><img alt="Link_break" src="/images/link_break.png?1358712345"></a></td>

RE: highlight sub issue priorities with a custom css - Added by Namho Kim about 11 years ago

I also using 'Redmine 2.2.2.stable'.
Image element like below...

<img alt="Edit" src="/redmine/images/edit.png?1358712345" />
