



Added by wang simin almost 11 years ago

I want to use cvs, but I don't know how to config it, specifically how to activate the scm order of cvs in repositories

Replies (10)

RE: help - Added by wang simin almost 11 years ago

Thank you

Redmine version 2.3.2.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3-p231 (2012-05-25) [i386-mingw32]
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2

so, do you know how solve this problem?

RE: help - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

Operating system?
Application server?

Do you really mean "CVS", the decades-old VCS?
Perhaps How to configure CVS access? or RedmineRepositories help...
If not, please give a detailed description of what you're trying to do and where exactly you have questions.

RE: help - Added by wang simin almost 11 years ago

I'm trying to get Redmine to connect to my exist CVS application server, however, cvs module is not available

Enabled SCM Command Version
Subversion yes 1.8.0
Darcs no
Mercurial no
Cvs no
Bazaar no
Git yes 1.8.3
Filesystem no

You can configure your SCM commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it.

so, how to configure my scm command in configuration.yml? I tried modifying the scm command in the configuration.yml that "scm_cvs_command : cvs", but it doesn't work

RE: help - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago

Cvs no

--> before you can use CVS, you need to install it.

RE: help - Added by wang simin over 10 years ago

Thank you. but I still want to know do I need a plugin of Redmine or the software of cvs, since a cvs server has already been installed in another windows system

RE: help - Added by wang simin over 10 years ago

So, in one word, how to install it? If need a plugin, I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't find it.

RE: help - Added by Mischa The Evil over 10 years ago

You don't need a Redmine plugin to get support for the CVS SCM system in Redmine. It is part of the core.

RedmineRepositories states: "the appropriate binaries must be installed on the same host as Redmine". So, you need to install CVS on the same host as Redmine is installed on.
Then, you need to make sure that the locally installed CVS binaries are reachable by Redmine. This is likely to be working out-of-the-box if the binaries are available directly in PATH (generally the case when they are installed in system default paths). Otherwise, and only then, you need to configure the full path to the binaries in config/configuration.yml (see RedmineInstall#SCM-settings).
After this CVS should be available as SCM in "Administration -> Settings -> Repositories -> Enabled SCM". Now it is available, make sure it is enabled for use in Redmine projects.

Now that you've installed CVS on the Redmine host and you've made sure that CVS binaries are reachable by Redmine, you can go on by attaching an existing repository to a Redmine project. For that, you can follow:

RE: help - Added by wang simin over 10 years ago

Thank you. You've been a great help and I'll have a try

RE: help - Added by wang simin over 10 years ago

well, do I need install the cvs sever or the cvs client on the same host of redmine?
