


New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2)

Added by Viktor Petersson over 10 years ago

Binaryphile already Dockerized Redmine some time ago. His approach, while great, didn't fully fit my needs. It's also not updated to the latest version.

Hence, yesterday I spent some time Dockerizing Redmine (2.5.2). The focus is to move all all persistent storage out of the container, making it more or less ephemeral. This makes it trivial to upgrade the container when a new version is out.

If you want to take it for a spin, you can find all details here:

I'm already using this in production, so I have an interest in keeping it up to data.

Let me know what you think!

Replies (7)

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

Oooh.. Now this looks interesting. I've been using the Bitnami Redmine stacks for the last year or so, but migrating data across to a new installation every time I upgrade is getting really annoying now.

Never heard of Docker before, but hopefully I'll get a chance to fire up a new VM and see how this all works in the next few days. It's probably not the best idea to start looking into this at 3am.. :)

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by Viktor Petersson over 10 years ago

There's a strange Docker issue that appears to affect some users at least. If you have issues, please take a look at this Github issue and upvote it.

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago

I've been doing some reading up on Docker.. Looks pretty awesome, but this doesn't quite fit my needs.. At work (where my Redmine system is) we rely a bit too heavily on Active Directory for user access, so our IT guys have said I need to stick to a Windows based system. Unfortunately, it looks like there probably won't be any feedback from me on this project then. :/

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 10 years ago

Grzegorz Wiktorowski: did you take a look at sameersbn's image ? I just created my own redmine docker image in the last few days, and then I came across this one yesterday, and it looks both well-done, flexible, and maintained.

I didn't take a look at yours for now but I'll sure do that next week.

In the end I'd love to see efforts converge to a common docker image and I could help maintaining it across redmine versions if needed.

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by Viktor Petersson over 10 years ago

Redmine administrator That does indeed seem like a much more complete image. I'll have to take a closer look at it, but yes, it makes a lot more sense to have one image with a multiple maintainers .

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by dj jones over 10 years ago

Looks like sameersbn updated his image again a couple days ago:

RE: New Docker container for Redmine (with 2.5.2) - Added by Deoren Moor over 10 years ago

Andre Greeff wrote:

At work (where my Redmine system is) we rely a bit too heavily on Active Directory for user access, so our IT guys have said I need to stick to a Windows based system.

Are your referring to basic Redmine use or Docker support? If Redmine itself, we run an Ubuntu VM with Redmine that "talks" with a Windows Server 2012 domain (and before that a 2008 R2 domain) via LDAP. Our setup has been working well for several years now.
