


What does "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" mean?

Added by D S almost 10 years ago


In other words, what does "involved" mean? I don't get notified about new comments in the tasks I have commented in the past, for example. Is this a bug? Or do I need to "watch" every task I comment to have this?

Replies (2)

RE: What does "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" mean? - Added by Deoren Moor about 9 years ago

It wasn't immediately clear to me either, but based on this comment from the RedmineAccounts page:

you will only receive notifications about the issues you're involved in (author or assignee) and about things you watch (eg. issues, forums).

it appears that being an author of an issue or the assignee of an issue means you will receive an email notification for any actions that are configured to generate an email notification.

It's worth noting that the explanation on that page is from 2007 when the UI was likely much different than what it is today, so I only quoted the bits which appear to be relevant to the question.
