Tasks evolution reporting using snapshots
Added by Pedro Reis over 10 years ago
I think that we should have an all-tasks-snapshot that saved the Redmine's situation of that time.
This way we could compare the evolution between 2 snapshots easily reading their differences report.
For example, we could do a snapshot each monday morning and compare project's evolution of each week.
Replies (2)
RE: Tasks evolution reporting using snapshots
Added by Ivan Cenov over 10 years ago
Activity log collects similar information ... or you mean something more structured?
RE: Tasks evolution reporting using snapshots
Added by Pedro Reis over 10 years ago
Hi Ivan,
Activity tab shows:
A new issue (feature, defect...) has been created.
The status of the issue has been changed.
The given issue has been closed.
A note to the issue has been added.
This means a changeset has been commited to the repository.
A news has been added to the news area.
A message in the forum area has been added.
A reply to a message in the forum has been added.
A wiki page has been edited or newly created.
A new file has been added in the files area or to a document.
A new document has been added.
Some hours has been logged.
(source: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineProjectActivity)
I need to see tasks evolution but filter out "A note to the issue has been added." (not possible at least as we have configured).
If we have hours inserted we don't need to see all the insertions between the 2 days that we are comparing (unless more compact and graphically appealing). The percentage of the conclusion of a task is more important than the hours and it doesn't seem to appear in the activity. Also, we should be able to filter out new issues creation for some types like quotes.
But the main problem with this is that it isn't compact, grouping activities per task that occured between 2 distant days.
Also, Activity tab is only existent for each project, right? If so, my request was a report for al projects at time (although sectioning per project).
To conclude, My idea was a Report sectioned per projet and per task; and in each task it showed the evolution between the 2 dates we are comparing (state, time, %). Tasks hierarchy should be imediatly visible.