



Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago

I would like to discuss all translation-related issues in this thread.

Replies (37)

RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago

First, in order to create translation process more rasy, I prepared spredsheet on Google Docs.
You can see it here:
The document consist of main translation table and second sheet, where is translation table for most often used words, which helps me keep whole translation consistent.
My idea was to create one large sheet, where can be all langues in columns, but I'm new to Google Docs, so I'm not sure if thiss idea will work.

RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago

I'm trying to create correct translation of czech language.
In language definition file there is this line, which defines string codes for both singular and plural form:

_gloc_rule_default: '|n| n==1 ? "" : "_plural" '

Anyway I need more choises then singular and plural in CZech language, example:

1 ticket
2+ tickets

1 ticket
2,3,4 tickety
5+ ticketů

So we have three possibilities.
I understand basic function of code (I'm PHP guy ;), but can someone help me with this?

basic logic is:

if (n==1) _gloc_rule_default = "" 
elseif (n>1 & n<5) _gloc_rule_default = "_plural234" 
else _gloc_rule_default = "_plural";

RE: Translations - Added by Thomas Löber over 16 years ago

You may try this:

_gloc_rule_default: '|n| case n; when 1 then ""; when 2..4 then "_plural234"; else "_plural"; end'

In this case 0 (zero) uses the "_plural" form.

RE: Translations - Added by Michael Pirogov over 16 years ago

I'm not familiar with gDocs, so I'll post it here:)

Workflow bych pojmenoval jako "Průběh práce" nebo "Prácovni průběh/běh"

Workflow - Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago

I think that "Průběh práce" is close, but sometimes I have trouble to translate yhings like this. "Workflow" is terminus technicus which is clear for almost everyone. I can traslate it as "Průběh práce", but this term is not established in Czech language, so people will not know what's going on... IMHO, ocassionaly it's better to stick to original english word, than use translation which is not clear/self descriptive. What do oyu think?

RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago

Thoms> Thanx for code! Anyway, how can I find when is this rule applied? There is variable "n" - it's used only in strings where is "%d" used?
Or better: where is numeric value used?

RE: Translations - Added by Lars P. over 16 years ago

Why is this and the Email sticky subjects?
A bit annoying to see them on top all the time


RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina over 16 years ago

I turned sticky on, because it's supposed to comment this subject for long time. But if it's annoying for users I can switch stickyness ;) off.

RE: Translations - Added by Fabrice Phung over 16 years ago


I want to provide some french help pages to my fellow redmine users. I may write new ones in french from scratch, or translate the current english ones (Redmine guide). Can Redmine handle wiki localization ? Are help translations of any interest for the community ?

RE: Translations - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

Fabrice: Redmine wiki doesn't support localization but we can manage the french translation as a separate set of pages.
If you want to start writing french help pages, I can give you the permissions to edit the wiki. Just let me know :-)

RE: Translations - Added by Fabrice Phung over 16 years ago

OK. I started on some pages, this is quite an easy and speedy job thanks to the native clear syntax. Are there any page naming conventions ? Should I use frRedmineAccounts or something like that to avoid name collisions ? Shoud I translate/recapture the screenshots too or use the existing ones ?

For w permissions on the wiki: your preference. I will compose on my own redmine instance, then I may send you the sources or write them directly here. I'll try to keep in touch with the guide evolutions.

I think there's a mistake in the RedmineProjectSettings page, properties section, last item : are you talking about custom properties or trackers ? Trackers may be selected (checked), custom properties are text fields.

RE: Translations - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

Are there any page naming conventions ?

I agree with your proposition. Same name as english pages prefixed with fr.

Shoud I translate/recapture the screenshots too or use the existing ones ?

You can use the existing ones if you want. They can be updated later with french ones.

I think there's a mistake in the RedmineProjectSettings page

Actually, trackers are missing in these items but i'm talking about custom properties for the issues of the project (not the custom proporties of the project).

I gave you the permission on the wiki but you can send me the raw pages if you prefer.

RE: Translations - Added by Fabrice Phung over 16 years ago

You will find on a frGuide wiki page similar to the original Guide page. I translated The user guide section, most of the admin guide and the wiki syntax tuto. Will proceed on the install guide soon.

I couldn't translate the macro section (a macro itself). Didn't have time to find a way.

Also, I didn't find a french equivalent for changeset or commit. Maybe those are technical words with no french equivalent (anyway, a SCM user speaks english :)). Also, I used formalisme wiki for Wiki formatting.

I tried to use Redmine fr locales in the guide but I'm quite sure I forgot some. Will recheck that later.

I will have a look at the Features page, translation could be useful for Redmine advocacy.

RE: Translations - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

Thanks for your work Fabrice.
See you in Seignosse :-)

RE: Translations - Added by Chaoqun Zou over 16 years ago

Hi, JP. I would like to make a Simplified Chinese version of Redmine Guide as the French version.
How could I do that? Just give you a translated version or add it to this wiki?

RedmineGuide in Japanese - Added by Go MAEDA over 16 years ago

Hi, JP
I translated Redmine Guide to Japanese and published at my web site 4 months ago.

Redmine.JP is a web site which provides technical information about Redmine in Japanese.
I met Redmine last September for the first time and found it is very useful, and opened the web site since October, 2007.

RE: Translations - Added by Filip Morávek about 16 years ago

It is possible to translate settings of permissions in Administration / Roles and Permissions / "Some role"?

Thanks a lot for your advice / help.

RE: Translations - Added by Simon Rimmons about 16 years ago

What do you guys think of using to manage the translations.

I've uploaded Redmine,'s translations there and there results look perfect ( Graphs here )

But it think it may be a lot easier to maintain the translations there and update them with rake tasks.

RE: Translations - Added by Azamat Hackimov about 16 years ago

What do you guys think of using to manage the translations.

I oppose for this. I experienced many translation-related problems with like a Rosetta frameworks. Huge problem - nobody care about QA if translation file not have maintainer.

RE: Translations - Added by S R about 16 years ago

I think there is a misunderstanding. 99translations doesn't allow unauthorized translators . The project manager (or moderator) can invite people to maintain translations. So there are people responsible for doing that. There are also tools to review and submit bugs in your issue tracking system.

RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 16 years ago

Filip Morávek> Yes, I'm preparing big stranslation upgrade for CZ lang... sorry for long delay!

RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 16 years ago

Simon> 99thing looks interesting, but I really don't have a clue how it works ;)
Anyway, now I'm using some Google Docs XLS for translation help, because I need to track some main translation phrases etc.

RE: Translations - Added by Maxim Krušina almost 16 years ago

So what abou 99translations, should we try it?
I just walked thru presentation and it looks good:
Only one important thing is missing, I guess: dictionary.
For EN>CZ translation I created small dictionary of frequently used words. It's important to keep coherency in translation and translate same words in the same way on different places.

What others think?

RE: Translations - Added by J Cayetano Delgado over 15 years ago

Started spanish guide translation at esGuide, following the page naming convention: es<English_Wiki_Pagename>

RE: Translations - Added by Valentin Frosin over 15 years ago

I want help translate some pages on (guide, etc).
What is necessary for this purpose? How I can begin?

