export from Open project to import into redmine
Added by Chris Bartlett about 9 years ago
We used Open Project for a while and are thinking about coming back to redmine. Has anyone exported from OpenProject 5 to Redmine 3.2.1 or similar? Any pointers would be appreciated.
Replies (4)
RE: export from Open project to import into redmine
Added by Pierre Pretorius over 8 years ago
Hi, I don't have any pointers but can you perhaps elaborate on why you are moving back to Redmine?
RE: export from Open project to import into redmine
Added by Chris Bartlett over 8 years ago
They didn't like the new "ux" features of open project. It's really annoying when you want to update multiple fields at the same time, but you can't as you have in-place editing. We nearly always reassign when you add a comment. But now you have to add a comment, wait for it to save, click the assignee, wait for the select menu, then reassign and save - rather than add comment and choose from select menu and click update once.
RE: export from Open project to import into redmine
Added by Jan from Planio www.plan.io over 8 years ago
There's no official importer from OpenProject -> Redmine as far as I know, but if hosted Redmine powered by Planio was an option for you, our team would gladly have a look and write up a custom import script for you and migrate everything to a current Redmine. It's part of our free onboarding for new customers, more info here: https://plan.io/data-import-and-migration/
Disclaimer/Background: OpenProject started out as ChiliProject a while ago with good intentions, but the initiative has soon been taken over by the company behind OpenProject which has very different goals and intentions as far as I know. Many of the protagonists behind the initial fork are now back with the Redmine camp and are working at Planio, so you'd be in good hands switching back to Redmine :)
RE: export from Open project to import into redmine
Added by Dev Full stack almost 8 years ago
Pierre Pretorius wrote:
Hi, I don't have any pointers but can you perhaps elaborate on why you are moving back to Redmine?
Did u find solution?