


Syntax highlighting for JavaScript seems to be broken

Added by Pablo Yanez Trujillo almost 7 years ago


I have an installation for redmine-3.3.3. I configured it to use Markdown.

Syntax highlighting works, the HTML output for

int main(void) {
  return 0;

contains lines like this:

<ppre><ccode class="c syntaxhl">
  <span class="CodeRay"><span class="predefined-type">int</span>
   main(<span class="directive">void</span>)

Note: I changed the tags from pre and code to ppre and ccode in order to avaoid parse errors here. A pre in a pre leads to an parsing error.

The following code




For some reason redmine thinks that coderay is not able to parse that. I've tried different names, javascript, JavaScript, js, the result is always the same.

If I log in per SSH into my server and create a js file and run coderay dummy.js, it displays a highlighted version on the terminal. So it seems that coderay is working correctly. I'm using CodeRay 1.1.2.

Does anybody know why javascript is not highlighted properly?

Replies (3)

RE: Syntax highlighting for JavaScript seems to be broken - Added by Pablo Yanez Trujillo almost 7 years ago

I know where the problem is:

require 'coderay'

 => [:go, :text, :python, :scanner, :yaml, :debug, :groovy, :c,
 :java, :cpp, :sass, :ruby, :diff, :php, :haml, :html, :delphi,
 :xml, :erb, :css, :taskpaper, :lua, :raydebug, :sql, :json, :clojure, :java_script]



does the trick. It would be nice if you could put that in the documentation.

RE: Syntax highlighting for JavaScript seems to be broken - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 7 years ago

This was a known defect introduced in r16501 (which is in 3.2.6 and 3.3.3 releases) and fixed in r16568 (which is in 3.2.7 and 3.3.4 releases). See #25634.
I'd suggest you update your Redmine instance to a current release (either 3.4.3 or 3.3.5, which btw fixes some XSS vulnerabilities too).

RE: Syntax highlighting for JavaScript seems to be broken - Added by Pablo Yanez Trujillo almost 7 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

This was a known defect introduced in r16501 (which is in 3.2.6 and 3.3.3 releases) and fixed in r16568 (which is in 3.2.7 and 3.3.4 releases). See #25634.
I'd suggest you update your Redmine instance to a current release (either 3.4.3 or 3.3.5, which btw fixes some XSS vulnerabilities too).

Thanks for your reply. I'll update my version in the next couple of days.
