


Configure Redmine with SVN

Added by pmz pmz over 6 years ago

I would like to configure my Redmine with my SVN.
It's possible the integration? I think yes, but I'm not sure.
Can this guideline solve my problem?

I would like to have my svn project and redmine project synchronised. Can i do commits and checkouts also? and what about tags and branches?
What are the functions i can do?
thanks in advance


Replies (2)

RE: Configure Redmine with SVN - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago

You can add your existing SVN to Redmine with no problems.
The SVN integration in Redmine is just a browser for the repository.
The features as far as i know them are:

  • View the repository folders and files
  • View the revision log
  • Display changesets and diffs of files or folders
  • Show changesets in the activity view
  • Annotate files
  • Create links between revisions and issues
  • Control functions of Redmine through keywords in the commit message

These features are all configured within Redmine with no extra configuration on the cosole.

With the advanced configuration Redmine is able to create SVN repositories for your projects and manage the access permissions to them.
There is no way to edit or commit files inside of Redmine at the moment.



RE: Configure Redmine with SVN - Added by Ivan Cenov over 6 years ago

Redmine should have access to svn client executable, for Windows svn.exe
The configuration must be done in config/configuration.yml

scm_subversion_command: c:\csvn\bin\svn.exe

Then restart Redmine, and configure svn repositories for each project of interest.
