I have probllem in dowloading redmine. Redmine issued certificate expired
Added by Shivam Barthwal over 4 years ago
Dear Experts,
I am trying to download redmine on virtual machine with redmine version 2.6.1. My constraint is to use the old version of redmine. I am downloading using 'wget' as I am in linux environment.
wget http://www.redmine.org/releases/redmine-2.6.1.tar.gz
but I get the error message as below:
ERROR: cannot verify www.redmine.org's certificate, issued by ‘/C=FR/ST=Paris/L=Paris/O=Gandi/CN=Gandi Standard SSL CA 2’: Issued certificate has expired. To connect to www.redmine.org insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
I am new to redmine. Could someone help me how to go about this error
Replies (4)
RE: I have probllem in dowloading redmine. Redmine issued certificate expired
Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 4 years ago
The problem is generated by #33544, hopefully it'll be fixed soon by Jean-Philippe.
RE: I have probllem in dowloading redmine. Redmine issued certificate expired
Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 4 years ago
One time, it's safe to use --no-check-certificate
RE: I have probllem in dowloading redmine. Redmine issued certificate expired
Added by Navjot Singh about 2 years ago
This is still happening. Will it ever be fixed?
RE: I have probllem in dowloading redmine. Redmine issued certificate expired
Added by Holger Just about 2 years ago
It is not Redmine's server certificate which is expired, but an optional root certificate in the certificate chain. Modern TLS clients should ignore this expired certificate and should be able to build a valid certificate chain from the valid certificates. If you are still experiencing issues, you should update your TLS library such as OpenSSL to a more modern (and less insecure) version.