


Multiple person sign off on issue status change - is it possible

Added by Christopher Monk almost 16 years ago

Hi Everyone

I was just wondering whether anyone had managed to setup a 'multiple person sign-off' on issue status changes within a workflow.

Imagine the situation where an engineer has finished a task but it needs reviewing by more than one other person.

As an example, I want to get an independent technical check (from a technical sponsor) plus agreement that the project needs have been met (from the Proj Manager) before the status can be set to 'checked and completed'. i.e. I want 2 people to be happy before the status can be changed and the task closed out.

Has anyone got this implemented in any way? I did some searches around this site but nothing obvious....

Best regards

Chris Monk.

Replies (5)

RE: Multiple person sign off on issue status change - is it possible - Added by Nikolai Bochev almost 16 years ago

Not sure, but wouldn't voting solve this ? Voting on issues that is.

RE: Multiple person sign off on issue status change - is it possible - Added by Andrew Chaika almost 16 years ago

Just setup issue statuses, roles, workflow and create custom queries for example for sponsor/QA - "Issues Need To Be Checked/Verified":
  • statuses:
    • new
    • assigned
    • resolved
    • checked/verified
    • closed
  • roles:
    • manager
    • engineer
    • sponsor/QA
  • workflow:
    • manager:
      • new -> assigned
      • checked/verified -> closed
      • checked/verified -> assigned (if not happy)
    • engineer
      • assigned -> resolved
    • sponsor/QA
      • resolved -> checked/verified
      • resolved -> assigned (if not happy)

RE: Multiple person sign off on issue status change - is it possible - Added by Christopher Monk almost 16 years ago

Thanks for the responses.

o.k. I got the workflows defined but honestly speaking I am pretty new to redmine. What do you mean by setup a custom query? I have searched for this but I don't think there are any clear explanations of what a custom query is or how to set one up....

I might also try the voting option...

RE: Multiple person sign off on issue status change - is it possible - Added by Andrew Chaika almost 16 years ago

Christopher Monk wrote:

What do you mean by setup a custom query? I have searched for this but I don't think there are any clear explanations of what a custom query is or how to set one up....

See RedmineIssueList
