


Lost some ticket comments and wiki history - Known bug(s)?

Added by Garry Hoberg over 2 years ago

Hello everyone.

On thursday, 2021-11-11, I did an SQL-Dump (because of different MariaDB versions) on the old machine and imported it on the new one.

old machine:
  • Redmine 3.3.1
  • Ruby 2.3.3
  • Rails 4.2.7
  • MariaDB 10.1.48
  • Apache 2.4.25 / Passenger 5.0.30
  • Debian stretch (9)
new machine:
  • Redmine 4.0.7
  • Ruby 2.5.5
  • Rails 5.2.2
  • MariaDB 10.3.31
  • Apache 2.4.38 / Passenger 5.0.30
  • Debian buster (10)

All looked fine that day.

After about 3,5 weeks, on monday, 2021-12-06, some changes seem to have happened to the database. (Only noticed that on friday.)
  1. Apparently, three tickets have been (automagically?) removed and re-entered with new numbers. All was fine except for the original comments. They were gone from the database.
  2. Another thing that seems to have happened that day is that two wiki pages were removed and re-entered. The only thing about this is that the history only consisted of Version 1. One of those pages had 5, the other one 6 versions on the old machine.

I was able to query my way through the database and since the history really didn't matter at all, I only got the values for the comments out of the dump, INSERTed them into the DB and corrected the issue id they were linking to. So those comments do show now as they should.

I obviously have a couple of questions about this:
  • Is that some kind of cleaning up that Redmine just does roughly every four weeks?
  • Are those omissions intended or known bugs?
  • Is there a better way to migrate that would avoid such problems?

Looking forward to your answers.


Garry Hoberg

Replies (3)

RE: Lost some ticket comments and wiki history - Known bug(s)? - Added by Holger Just over 2 years ago

Garry Hoberg wrote:

  • Is that some kind of cleaning up that Redmine just does roughly every four weeks?

Redmine does not automatically delete issues or journals or wiki pages. While it might be that some custom plugin you have installed does this, I highly doubt it as it looks like rather non-useful behavior...

From your description, it looks instead as if someone has deleted the issues and wiki pages and re-created them manually later after noticing their mistake.

  • Are those omissions intended or known bugs?


  • Is there a better way to migrate that would avoid such problems?

For migrations and updates, you should generally follow RedmineUpgrade.

RE: Lost some ticket comments and wiki history - Known bug(s)? - Added by Garry Hoberg over 2 years ago

Thanks for the link to the upgrade procedure. I bookmarked it for the next server update.

I had an even closer look at some details: The three tickets and the two wiki pages were (re)created on the new server by the id of their original creator at exactly the same timestamp (i.e. within the same second). That is not quite possible for humans creating tickets/pages in the ordinary way.
I'm the system but not the Redmine admin, so: Is there some form of undo function in Redmine that would account for restoring several tickets and wiki pages at the same time? (The author/creator is the redmine admin but he doesn't remember doing this.)

RE: Lost some ticket comments and wiki history - Known bug(s)? - Added by Holger Just over 2 years ago

This may be caused by an API client, some custom automation, or plugin. Without actual logs, this is hard to tell however...

Redmine itself does not have an undo function for deleted content. Generally, deleted data is actually physically deleted from the database with no way to restore it (except by restoring a database backup from outside Redmine)
