


How to organize Redmine Projects

Added by Le Thanh Viet 5 months ago

Hello masters,

I have a project with sub-projects and group member as below:
- Marketing
( add MKT members )
- Sale
( add Sale members )

Now I want Marketing member's Homepage should see only

- Marketing

When I add MKT members to Company project, they also view all issues in Sale project because they use same tracker and I don't want to create new tracker.
Is there any way to do this ?

Thanks for your support.

Replies (4)

RE: How to organize Redmine Projects - Added by Bernhard Rohloff 5 months ago

Please check your project settings. I'm pretty sure they are marked as public. Also have a look at RedmineProjects.
Otherwise your Marketing folks should not see the other projects, even if they share the same tracker.

RE: How to organize Redmine Projects - Added by Le Thanh Viet 5 months ago

Hi, Bernhard Rohloff
Thanks for your support.
Actually, all of my projects are private.
I want the view of each department should be
- Marketing

- Sale

it means that I also added MKT and Sale members to parent project (Company) and child Project (Marketing or Sale)
If I only add each department members to their project only (sale members to Sale Project, MKT members to MKT project), their view will see name of their department project without name of Company project.

ps: actually I quite confuse that how can I organize Projects, so each department members have a easy-understand view of list Project or if I have multiple of Projects and all of them divide to department child projects

for ex:
Project 1
- Sale
Project 2
- Sale

Sory if my Eng is not good.

RE: How to organize Redmine Projects - Added by Bernhard Rohloff 5 months ago

Usually I create groups for different departments and structural projects. I always have a "Company" group and one for each department. In structural projects I add the company group with a very strictive role. In the subprojects I add the department groups with their appropriate role. This way everybody has the top structure visible but just access on things they belong to.

RE: How to organize Redmine Projects - Added by Le Thanh Viet 5 months ago

Dear Bernhard Rohloff

Thank you for your support. You help me alot.
I'll try your solution.
