


Requirements for installing redmine 6.0 on windows server.

Added by Christian Cremona 29 days ago

Hi all,
Are there any minimum requirements to install redmine 6.0 on windows server 2019?
Thank you very much in advance for the support.

Replies (4)

RE: Requirements for installing redmine 6.0 on windows server. - Added by Ryan hughjack 23 days ago

Yes, Redmine 6.0 requires Ruby (2.7 - 3.2), Bundler, Rails, a supported database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite), and a web server. Ensure Windows Server 2019 has these dependencies installed.

RE: Requirements for installing redmine 6.0 on windows server. - Added by Christian Cremona 23 days ago

Hi Ryan,
Could you also tell me the technical specifications of the virtual machine for proper installation of the application?
Thank you very much for your support.

RE: Requirements for installing redmine 6.0 on windows server. - Added by Ryan hughjack 18 days ago

The minimum system requirements for a virtual machine running Redmine 6.0 on Windows Server 2019 will depend on the number of users and usage level. If you are an individual user, the following configuration should be sufficient:

- CPU: 2 vCPU
- RAM: 4GB
- Storage: 20GB (SSD preferred)

RE: Requirements for installing redmine 6.0 on windows server. - Added by Ivan Cenov 13 days ago

Redmine 6.0.x runs with ruby 3.3.7 (2025-01-15 revision be31f993d7) [x64-mingw-ucrt] and MySQL 8.0.41 in my installation.
