


Wiki syntax question

Added by Eric Hou about 15 years ago

I read through all the documentation for wiki syntax, but I can find how to add link in to a image. No matter what combination I used, they just don't work together.
I can create link or external link without any problem and I can add images without any problem. But if I want a image link, they don't work.

Could someone give me a hint. And if you can point me to more detail documentation about Redmine wiki syntax, that would be great.

By the way, can Redmine wiki use any video?



Replies (1)

RE: Wiki syntax question - Added by Felix Schäfer about 15 years ago

My best bet would be !some_image.png!:http://some/link or "!some_image.png!":http://some/link, not tried it though. If it doesn't work, I suggest making a feature request.
