


Possible to change the order of columns in issuelist?

Added by Ivar Sønstabø almost 15 years ago


I would very much like to rearrange the columns in the issue list to include a custom field (sub-status). Is this possible though e.g. CSS? Can anyone guide me?

Replies (3)

RE: Possible to change the order of columns in issuelist? - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

I'm running trunk, so it might this isn't all available in stable yet, but basically, when in the issue list, click on the "Options" field (between the filter(s) and the issues) and select which columns you want to see in the issue list, you can even group them by any attribute, which might increase readability. You can also save this particular filter setup if you want to be able to recall it later.

RE: Possible to change the order of columns in issuelist? - Added by Andrew Leaf almost 15 years ago

This is available in 0.9.x.

In 0.8.x, it was possible using custom queries, but you had to remove columns and reinsert them in the desired order when saving/creating a query.



RE: Possible to change the order of columns in issuelist? - Added by Allyson Katch over 12 years ago

Is there any chance of a future release having the option to set the default order of the Issue list columns?
