


Display specific text for link to repository file

Added by James Hill over 14 years ago


I noticed that you can create a link to a file in the repository using the following syntax:


Is there any way to display specific text instead of the original text for the created link??

Replies (7)

RE: Display specific text for link to repository file - Added by Kevin Bosman over 14 years ago

Take a look at the patch in Feature #4052 by William Baum - it includes functionality to do exactly what you're looking for.
We are using it and it works very well.

RE: Display specific text for link to repository file - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

As might have guessed from Kevin's answer: not in core yet, and won't be in 0.9.0.

RE: Display specific text for link to repository file - Added by Stefan Lindner almost 12 years ago

Still no plans to include this in near future? Wikis look awful without th ability to display a homan readable text for repository links.

RE: Display specific text for link to repository file - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 12 years ago

As a workaround, you can use the textile syntax to create a link with alternate text:

"Link to source":/projects/redmine/repository/entry/trunk/app/controllers/account_controller.rb

displays: Link to source

RE: Display specific text for link to repository file - Added by Jeremy Coatelen almost 11 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

As a workaround, you can use the textile syntax to create a link with alternate text:


displays: Link to source

Be careful : with this, /projects/redmine/repository/ has to be permanent .. even after redmine upgrades or migrations ...
