


"Private" ticket

Added by Sergey Belov over 14 years ago

Hi all,

Do you know how to make a "private" ticket that only issue create and assigned person can see it?
I want that customer can submit issue to the project and see only his issues and don't see other issues in the project.


Replies (13)

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

There is no way to do that for now.

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Sergey Belov over 14 years ago

Yes, I found this patch and trying to implement to 0.9.3 but have some problems with that. Opened new topic with details -

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Oleg Volkov over 14 years ago

I modified
Watchers also have permission to view tasks.

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Oleg Volkov over 14 years ago

Private issue #337 is changed.

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Hugues Lamy over 14 years ago

Just for my information. There's many patches for private ticket. Can anybody post the proper procedure to applied them to a 9.3 installation?
I try this last week without much success. My guess is that I didn't apply the right one in the right order.


RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Sergey Belov over 14 years ago

Hi Hugues,

There is patches with new fixes. Final version is 0.7, download this patch - private_issues.v.0.7-0.9.3.patch
Apply it with "patch -p1 < ./private_issues.v.0.7-0.9.3.patch"
Then do migrate by "rake db:migrate"

Then restart you web server, Thin, pasenger or so.

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Hugues Lamy over 14 years ago

Thanks I'll try this shortly.

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Hugues Lamy over 14 years ago

Work correctly. My mistake was that I tough I could apply the patch to the svn trunk.
I try to get the best of 0.9.3, private issues and subtasking.

Look I'll have to wait a bit to get them all.


RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Oleg Volkov over 14 years ago

For trunk: private_issues.v.0.7.patch

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Oleg Volkov over 14 years ago

Add 0.7.1 patch version

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Oleg Volkov over 14 years ago

I write simple patch #2653
Please test it

RE: "Private" ticket - Added by Sergey Belov over 14 years ago

Checked patch #2653 and it is amazing!
Works really cool and easy to set-up/manage
