


The login name of active directory login

Added by Ben Lau over 14 years ago

Hi ,

I am trying to auth user by using Active Directory. That is my configuration.

Host: 192.168.1.x
Port: 389
User: MYDOMAIN\user
Password: ***
Base DN: cn=Users,dc=ad1,dc=mycompany,dc=com
Use LDAP : No

On-The-Fly creation: YES
Login: sAMAccountName
FirstName: givenName
LastName: sN
Email: email

However, it is failed to login with any user on the domain. I have the following questions

1) What should be the username used to login? , or MYDOMAIN/xxxx?

2) No matter what I have filled in "User" and "Password" under the setting page. The result of "test connection" is always success. Is it abnormal?

Thanks for any advise.

Replies (1)

RE: The login name of active directory login - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I don't have any meaningful experience with AD, so take this with a grain of salt, but AFAIK the login for users should be MYDOMAIN/xxx (though not sure if it's a / or \ in between).

Concerning the user/password configuration in the LDAP auth tab, the connection only really does that: it tries to open a connection to the LDAP (or in this case AD) server, if AD doesn't care about user/password for a connection without asking for anything else, then the test will always succeed. Please be aware that you need to specify the dn of the user redmine should connect to the AD server as, and that the user needs read access to the fields defined for Login, FirstName, LastName and Email.
