Noob Startup Questions...
Added by Everett Griffiths over 14 years ago
Sorry to be the noob...
I got a couple questions I'm hoping that some more experienced people can help me out with.
First, when I try to edit settings for any project, I get an internal server error, eg. here:
Internal error An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.
There's nothing in my logs to help me troubleshoot this... it was working earlier, but I did add a plugin: "Advanced roadmap plugin". Not even sure where that's supposed to show up for me to configure...
Also, could someone point me in the right direction for setting up Versions/Milestones? I can't seem to find where to create either one of these... I've read some of the discussion between the 2.... I'd favor the use of "Milestones" because it seems like it's so much more common in project management, but regardless, I need to start mapping out a dev project and I need to get deadlines associated with over-arching components. How is this best done?
Any pointers for debugging the server etc. would be appreciated. I got Ruby on Rails installed, but I have some cleanup to do because I installed Ruby Enterprise over an existing install, and the gems' paths are getting confused (most notably when trying to enable the ImageMagick for the Gantt charts).
Thanks for any tips.
Replies (5)
RE: Noob Startup Questions... - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Disable all 3rd-party plugins and see if the problem persists (to disable the plugins, change the permissions of the plugin's directory so that the user running the redmine server can't access them, and don't forget to restart said redmine server after the change). I'm afraid most problems of this type are due to not up-to-date plugins. You will then be able to configure versions (which you can think as milestones or deliverables if you'd like) in the project's settings.
RE: Noob Startup Questions... - Added by Everett Griffiths over 14 years ago
Thanks. I figured it out actually... I had to run the rake command to alter the database... then it worked fine. I'm a bit wary to move this over to NGINX, but the apache load times are a bit slow when I first access the site. Not sure why.
RE: Noob Startup Questions... - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
I suppose you use passenger with nginx? The first hit will always be a little "slow" with passenger because it spins up processes as needed and needs to load the whole stack, if configured properly though, subsequent hits will be served by already running processes that heavily cache stuff an will hence be very quick. I could help you with the passenger config if you need.
You wouldn't necessarily have this effect with other serving solutions (e.g. mongrel cluster+revese proxy) because they spin up processes upfront, but they also often are more memory demanding (passenger can share rails memory and even application memory between several instances, mongrel can't), so it's a matter of what needs you have. I personnaly go with passenger on dev as well as production installs.
RE: Noob Startup Questions... - Added by Everett Griffiths over 14 years ago
Right now I'm using Passenger on Apache. My thought was to use it on NGINX too, but I have reservations about adding extra libraries to my super-clean NGINX server process. I use NGINX right now to serve up static files, and I use Apache only for dynamic requests (e.g. PHP). The situation you described with Passenger occurs in Apache as well... I guess it's fine, because once it loads up, the response times are fine.
RE: Noob Startup Questions... - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
Passenger obviously behaves the same way whatever frontend you are using :-) I'd say stick with the apache setup then, the difference in overhead is minimal at best, if not nigh immesurable.