


Integrating with the Visual Svn Apache Server with mongrels

Added by Bernie Schoch over 14 years ago

I'm using the Visual Svn Server which has it's own version of the apache server. How do I get the mongrel load balancing thing to work?

I've got everything else working by following


Replies (2)

RE: Integrating with the Visual Svn Apache Server with mongrels - Added by Bernie Schoch over 14 years ago

Ok, I had to use another Apache install. Now that it works and have it configured, I lose all formatting when I go through apache vs going directly to mongrel. Any ideas?


RE: Integrating with the Visual Svn Apache Server with mongrels - Added by Bernie Schoch over 14 years ago

When I add the Redmine::Utils::relative_url_root = "/redmine" that breaks (missing styles etc) going directly to redmine. But without it, I can't get the mongrel stuff to work? With it, mongrels redirect but then get the missing styles errors.

