

Bernie Schoch

  • Login: bpSchoch
  • Registered on: 2010-04-21
  • Last connection: 2010-04-21


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02:47 Redmine Help: RE: Integrating with the Visual Svn Apache Server with mongrels
When I add the Redmine::Utils::relative_url_root = "/redmine" that breaks (missing styles etc) going directly to redm... Bernie Schoch
01:50 Redmine Help: RE: Integrating with the Visual Svn Apache Server with mongrels
Ok, I had to use another Apache install. Now that it works and have it configured, I lose all formatting when I go t... Bernie Schoch
00:24 Redmine Help: Integrating with the Visual Svn Apache Server with mongrels
I'm using the Visual Svn Server which has it's own version of the apache server. How do I get the mongrel load balan... Bernie Schoch

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