[linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Brice P almost 15 years ago
- Ruby 1.8.7 Ruby implementation and version
- Rails 2.3.5 Rails version (rails --version)
- windows 7 Operating system (precise if you're using cygwin when running on Windows)
- mySql 5.1.36 Database used, and its version
I read the FAQs about linked issues but I need more details :
By testing, I discover this 2 behavours :
- duplicates
If issue B is the duplicate of A
- closing B will let A open
- closing A will close B - follows
If B follows A (ex A ends the 21/04 and B begins the 22/04)
and you add +2 day at the ending date of A,
the starting and ending dates of B will be +2 too. - related to
??? - blocks
??? - precedes
Does the 2 first obey to others rules ?
What are the rules of the 3 others ?
Replies (8)
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
Related to is just a lazy relation, it will not have any effect whatsoever other than showing links between the 2.
Blocks does what it says, i.e. if A blocks B, you won't be able to change B to a closing status unless A is.
Precedes is just the back relation of follows.
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues - Summary
Added by Brice P almost 15 years ago
Behavours :
- duplicates
If issue B is the duplicate of A
- closing B will let A open
- closing A will close B - follows
If B follows A (ex A ends the 21/04 and B begins the 22/04)
and you add +2 day at the ending date of A,
the starting and ending dates of B will be +2 too. - blocks
If issue B blocks A,
A can't be closed unless B is. - precedes
If B follows A, you can't give B
a starting date equal or less
than the ending date of A - related to
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
Again: Related to does nothing to any parts of the workflow the affected issues.
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Brice P almost 15 years ago
So, what is it useful for ?
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
Just lazily linking issues?
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Brice P almost 15 years ago
Thanksa a lot.
I will open new threads if you think that those following questions aren't meaningless.
Irrelevant questions :
1/ In the case of a multi-projects management, is there a mean to have a discontinued display :
day M T W T F - M T W T F - M T W T F - ... Project 1 x x x Project 2 x x x Project 3 x x x Project 4 x x x Project 5 x x x
because I just can have
day M T W T F - M T W T F - M T W T F - ... Project 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Project 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Project 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Project 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Project 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2/ Is there a plug-in showing the link between the issues.
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
I suppose you are talking about the GANTT chart? Not sure what you mean with point 1, but I remember a ticket in which a GANTT rework has been announced with graphical links between linked issues and even I think the possibility the change the start and end dates by dragging the ends of the GANTT bars.
RE: [linked issue] How behave linked issues
Added by Brice P almost 15 years ago
About the first point, I mean that if you work 4 weeks on Project 1 but only monday of each week, the GANTT chart show a 4 weeks continued activity. I would like to have the project showing activity monday and clear the other days. Redmine is okay to count spent time but it would be clearer.
Another way could be to display a symbol for each spent time on the GANTT.
To bad I don't understand this programming language. Unfortunately, I only know the framework WinDev.