


I have a question on v0.9.3 ,is it a bug?

Added by gino towne over 14 years ago

1.Administration>settings>issue tracking:Default columns displayed on the issue list
2. Administration>settings>Email notifications:Select actions for which email notifications should be sent

Why their content without any options?
Previous versions 0.8.7 have the option.

there is a bug?

ussue_tracking.JPG (25.3 KB) ussue_tracking.JPG Default columns displayed on the issue list
email.JPG (38 KB) email.JPG Select actions for which email notifications should be sent

Replies (1)

RE: I have a question on v0.9.3 ,is it a bug? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I think you have an incomplete upgrade, make sure all permissions and migrations went through fine and be sure to restart your redmine after everything.
