


SVN Trouble

Added by Jean-Baptiste DUZAN over 14 years ago

Hi everyone,

I've some trouble with SVN on my redmine.
I can't display SVN révision or repository, get this error msg :

"The entry or revision was not found in the repository."

I'd tryed to reinstall Redmine, but didn't solve the problem.

Could someone help me with this ?

PS : Sorry for my english, i'm french :D

Replies (3)

RE: SVN Trouble - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Make sure the svn binary is in a path the server running redmine can reach. What protocol are you trying to reach the repository over (http, https, file, …)?

RE: SVN Trouble - Added by Jean-Baptiste DUZAN over 14 years ago

thanks for your answer :)
I'm trying to reach : "svn+ssh://myident@myip/svn/myproject/trunk"

RE: SVN Trouble - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

The short answer in this case is: redmine shells out the calls to svn, i.e. the user running the redmine server calls svn ls svn+ssh://somestuff. You will have to configure this call to run without interaction, for example by setting up a public/private ssh keypair which allows the redmine server user to ssh without password query to the server with the svn repository on it. See FrRedmineRepositories for a little more info, and try to search for more detailed howtos in the forums, I think this has been discussed several times before.
