Quick Rails question
Added by Jeremy Noonan over 14 years ago
Hey Redmine community!
I have walked through a few quick RoR MVC tutorials, and can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I am quite familar with MVC webapps, just not with Ruby. I have edited the .rhtml files for one of my plugins to slightly alter the output of the view. The problem is that it doesn't seem that my changes are being rendered. I have relaunched passenger hoping this would clear things up but no luck. I have even edited the core Redmine views to see if I could get my changes to display, but still nothing :(. (at APPROOT/app/views/projects/activity.rhtml) Do I need to call anything from the terminal after making changes to the views in order to see their changes reflected. I have done some research, but I can't waste too much time at this but still need to get it done. I'm sure all you hired developers understand the feeling :P
Replies (2)
RE: Quick Rails question - Added by Jeremy Noonan over 14 years ago
Sorry for the hasty question, it seems things cleared themselves up. The views must rebuild on a schedule or something, my changes happened were just not instant :) (no, I was not loading cached pages...made sure to hard refresh :) )
RE: Quick Rails question - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
I haven't read through all of the first post, but judging from the second, I'd advise you to restart your redmine server to make it notice the changes (rails caches a lot of stuff in production). Quick tip: restarting a rails app served through passenger is as simple as touch tmp/restart.txt
in your app's directory :-)