


Undo Issue Deletion?

Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Is there any way to undo the deletion of an issue (assuming the project, etc. is still there)? Just curious.


Replies (6)

RE: Undo Issue Deletion? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Nope, it's gone.

RE: Undo Issue Deletion? - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Thanks. How about some kind of audit function to know who deleted it or when? Is that planned?

RE: Undo Issue Deletion? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Nothing of the sorts currently, and nothing planned that I know of. The "best practice" is to have a dedicated ticket status other than closed, e.g. rejected or something like that, and only give delete rights on the issues to trusted members (or even to none at all). That way you can still close issues without having implemented them and retain full history.

RE: Undo Issue Deletion? - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Got it, thanks.

Is there an easy way to change the default filter/query for a project then? That would solve the issue we are having. I could add a new status and use "not that" as the default rather than "not closed."

RE: Undo Issue Deletion? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Well, if you set it to be closed too (it's an option of each status), you won't see either the rejected nor the closed ones, or am I misunderstanding what you are trying to achieve?

RE: Undo Issue Deletion? - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

That works, thank you!
