


Redmine\Bitnami -> Server seams to sleep?

Added by Rainer Queck over 14 years ago


I have Redmine setup via the BitNami stack and installed it on my windows server 2008.

No I observe, that when I want to access Redmine, the BitNami "welcome" screen shows up right away, but it takes very long until Redmine shows after clicking on the "Redmine" image. It looks like Redmine is sleeping and needs to be wakened up !?

Is this a known issue, or is there something I can do to "keep Redmine awake"?


Replies (4)

RE: Redmine\Bitnami -> Server seams to sleep? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I'm not sure how BitNami serves rails applications, but some schemes spawn processes as needed, processes that only have a limited idle TTL, so that it may happen that no processes are running at a certain point in time.

RE: Redmine\Bitnami -> Server seams to sleep? - Added by Rainer Queck over 14 years ago

So this is a Bitnami related issue?
Has anyone experienced this sleepy behavior also, or is it possibly a issue of my server?


RE: Redmine\Bitnami -> Server seams to sleep? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Try to see on the bitnami forums for that, I think it really has to do with how the "rails" server is set up, and they're the ones who will know better :-)

RE: Redmine\Bitnami -> Server seams to sleep? - Added by Rainer Queck over 14 years ago

Ok, I will try it at Bitname.
Thanks for your help!

