


Activation mail is not working

Added by tapan S over 14 years ago

Hi All,

Activation test-mail in redmine throughs error as:
An error occurred while sending mail (501 5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax )

Any Idea..?

Replies (4)

RE: Activation mail is not working - Added by tapan S over 14 years ago

It is Redmine0.9
"Emission email address" box has: "Redmine NoReply" <>

RE: Activation mail is not working - Added by tapan S over 14 years ago

It works if keep ONLY the email id. But I want it in the format as: "Redmine NoReply" <>.

RE: Activation mail is not working - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

This error: "501 5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax" is returned by the mail server you are trying to use, please contact the administrator of the mail server to know what addresses are allowed.

RE: Activation mail is not working - Added by tapan S over 14 years ago

But I have one redmine0.8 server and from this it is working fine as: Redmine NoReply" <>.

For both redmines, I am using same mail server.
