


Plugin development: rendering partial inside hook. Where to place partial?

Added by Sebastian Haag over 14 years ago


I try to write a plugin which shall include a stylesheet file using a hook. The hook is located in the base layout file and is called view_layouts_base_html_head (app/views/layouts/base.rhtml)

So far my plugin has the following structure (excerpt):

│   init.rb
│   └───views
│       └───issues
│               _demoPluginIncludeStylesheet.erb
│   └───stylesheets
│           demoPlugin.css
│   │   demoPluginHooks.rb
│   │
│   └───tasks

My hook looks like that:

class DemoPluginHooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener

    render_on :view_layouts_base_html_head,
                :partial => 'demoPluginIncludeStylesheet'


So, if the hook is called, _demoPluginIncludeStylesheet.erb should get rendered. This file is located in app/views/issues/, so everything works fine, if the issues page gets called. But if I try to open another page, it says something like "Missing template projects/_demoPluginIncludeStylesheet.erb in view path ..." and thats true, because the file isn`t there...

Where do I have to put the file and what path do I have to specify when calling render_on?

In the plugin tutorial ( it says

10     render_on :view_issues_form_details_bottom,
11               :partial => 'hooks/my_plugin/view_issues_form_details_bottom'

But then I would have to create a folder app/views/hooks/ and have to copy parts of my plugin code to that place and I don´t want to do that... or did I miss something?

I attached the plugin if you want to try. To see the working part of the plugin you have to open something like http://localhost:3000/projects/prj01/issues



Replies (3)

RE: Plugin development: rendering partial inside hook. Where to place partial? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I haven't read the whole thing, and I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do (seems overly complicated for what I think it does), but the most knowledgeable person for plugins is Eric Davis (edavis10), you can find him on #redmine on freenode.

RE: Plugin development: rendering partial inside hook. Where to place partial? - Added by Timothy High over 14 years ago

You shouldn't have to move anything. What's missing is just the name of the subdirectory under /app/views. Try:

class DemoPluginHooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener

    render_on :view_layouts_base_html_head,
                :partial => 'issues/demoPluginIncludeStylesheet'


RE: Plugin development: rendering partial inside hook. Where to place partial? - Added by Sebastian Haag over 14 years ago

now I understand... I just have to create a view folder in my plugin containing the partials and pass this folder and the name of the partial to render_on. I guess thats rails magic ;-)

Felix Schäfer I admit it´s a complicated way to just include a stylesheet. But I didn´t find any better. In some plugins the file layouts/base.rhtml is replaced by the plugin just to include a stylesheet. I don´t want to do that because then I get into trouble if this file changes in the main app or another plugin replaces it too. On the other side now I know how to place view code in layouts/base.rhtml ;-)

Thanks a lot!


│   init.rb
│   └───views
│       └───abc
│               _demoPluginIncludeStylesheet.erb
│   └───stylesheets
│           demoPlugin.css
│   │   demoPluginHooks.rb
│   │
│   └───tasks
class DemoPluginHooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener

    render_on :view_layouts_base_html_head,
                :partial => 'abc/demoPluginIncludeStylesheet'
