


pass parameters to activity url

Added by strexy strexy over 14 years ago

Hi all,
is there a way to pass parameters to the activity page (and so to the atom feed)?
I'd like to see the activity only of particular issues categories or statuses.
Just like ?user_id=1 . I've tried ?status_id=1 but it seems doesn't work.
Hope someone help me, thanks.


Replies (2)

RE: pass parameters to activity url - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

That's not possible on the activity page (not that I know of at least), but you could create a custom query on the issues page that filters the tickets the way you need, sort them by "Updated at", save the query, and you'll be able to follow the atom feed to that.

RE: pass parameters to activity url - Added by strexy strexy over 14 years ago

Thanks Felix, the your is a good suggestion.
But I need the feed for the activity (comments, attachments..) inside the issues, and if I can filter it by category/priority/ecc it'd be better. Thanks again.

