


Application error - unknown cause

Added by Ben Gallagher over 14 years ago

I successfully installed Redmine on my Bluehost account. Everything worked fine for a couple of hours. Then, for no apparent reason, I got the message "Application Error, Rails application failed to start properly".

There is nothing in any of the log files to indicate what the problem is. Also, I had made no changes to anything before the error appeared. The only log file I haven't been able to look at is the Apache log - but that's because I don't know where to find it (it isn't under etc, and there isn't anything obvious on the Bluehost cpanel).

If any of you have any idea what it could be, I would be very grateful to hear.

In case it is of any use, the website is


Replies (1)

RE: Application error - unknown cause - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

I'd say contact your hoster first to see if there's any error in the apache log or else with your account, we can't say much without some error messages.
