


Custom issue statuses not visible

Added by Arjen Schipmolder over 14 years ago

Hi all,

This must be something I've setup incorrectly, but I've added a few issue statuses of my own and they don't appear in the 'status' drop down of issues.
Do I need to add the statuses to another list somewhere as well for them to be added?


Replies (4)

RE: Custom issue statuses not visible - Added by Arjen Schipmolder over 14 years ago

Sorry Felix, I should have mentioned that I'd looked at that already.

I've set up a new issue status - let's use 'Pending third party' as example - and I've set up a new tracker 'Pending third party' which is enabled for all projects.
Now when i try to set the workflow for 'Manager' (me) and any tracker (doesn't matter which one I select) the 'Pending third party' status still isn't listed, but I have no idea why.

Could you have a look at the attached screenshots and see if there's something obvious I'm not setting?


RE: Custom issue statuses not visible - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

You are mixing two things here: trackers and issue statuses. If you want to add a new issue status to existing trackers, go to the workflow edit screen and make sure to uncheck the "only show statuses used by this tracker" box to see the new statuses you have created.

RE: Custom issue statuses not visible - Added by Arjen Schipmolder over 14 years ago

Ahh, thanks! That did it.
